At your place of business, the interaction between you and your client directly determines your relationship. If every time a client encounters you, you are funny, pleasant, interesting, know their first name, your client base will, over time, likely develop a fierce sense of loyalty that will not be easily overcome.
The same holds true for your website. The quality of text located on your main pages is just as important as the quality of the photography abutting it. Don't fill it with irrelevant, blathering, grammatically incorrect, or otherwise professional-business-image- shattering, text. Don't leave it blank. When someone finds you online, your site, is your sales pitch: you want to give a potential client all she or he wants to know and in a way that makes him or her choose you.
When you are actively marketing online, content creation takes a person interacting with your site from stranger, to customers, to loyal clients. Through an organized content plan that takes into account all forms of communication with clients, you need to establish trust, educate your clients, engage them, share relevant information and eventually sell.